Afromoya Customer Testimonials

  • Muriel

    I wanted to share my gratitude for what AfroMoya is doing for the Afro event creators in France, but also in the UK.

    We lacked a platform like AfroMoya, and they made it happen!

    AfroMoya enables start-ups like Umoja Afro Dating to have more visibility in our community.

    It is a great pleasure for us to partner up with AfroMoya as they exceed our expectations in terms of service quality and
    excellence. Always there for their partners, and very responsive when a problem occurs. Not much I can say except that
    the Umoja Afro Dating experience with AfroMoya is 100% satisfactory.

    I hope that this is only the beginning of a beautiful and long term collaboration between our two entities!

    CEO of Umoja Afro Dating
  • Lina
    Working with AfroMoya is kind of a relief. They are always listening to your needs and full of proactiveness when it comes to finding the best solutions for your business. 
    The plateform is easy to use, reliable and the quality of the system goes beyond my expectations. Also, it feels great to be a part of such a good black owned initiative! I totally recommend! 
    CEO of Caribbeans In London & Thesocialina events
  • Afrotopian Team
    Jeremy, Founder: One word to describe AfroMoya.. Lovely! I am so impressed about the support team and the way the platform keeps evolving thanks to the feedback provided. Really happy using AfroMoya for our events.

    Rhianna, regular attendee: Afrotopian throw some of my favourite events, I'm always so excited to book the next one. Using AfroMoya has been such a smooth user-friendly experience, that just ties in the whole event from start to finish very seamlessly. 

    Nadia, regular attendee: I’ve found using the AfroMoya platform to book tickets a brilliant experience. It looks good and is user-friendly as I was able to find my event and then book with clear confirmation sent straight to my email. I highly recommend this service as I also noted that there were so many other exciting events when I explored the site, searchable with a simple filter to suit my availability and preferences. 10/10

    Afrotopian Team