About Us

About Us


Performed and written by Kiraya Kawesa, Spoken Word Artist.

Moya means Life in Kikongo, spoken in present-day Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and the Republic of Congo – Ancient Kingdom of Kongo.

AfroMoya is a safe space for African & Caribbean creators in European big cities.

As a ticketing platform, our purpose is to ease access to black-owned events for a wider audience and give exposure to hard-working and creative event organisers of African descent.

AfroMoya captures every pulse and motion in the life of people of African descent.

Various Experiences

European cities such as Paris or London have massive, creative and proactive Afro communities that offer countless events and experiences.

From clubbing to business meetups, or conferences, add your own flavour by hosting events that you want to share.

Else, sit back, relax and deep dive into our world to spot what's on in the moya of the Afros.

Our Values




